Unleash Your SoulShine
Let's uncover the very essence of your Soul

Hello Luminous Soul,
Welcome to my little piece of wonderland!
I'm Laëtitia Aurore, creator & founder of "Unleash Your SoulShine". I was born & raised in the middle of nowhere in the South of France. I have been solo traveling the world since I was 14 and the passion for discovering other countries and connecting with people from different cultures & backgrounds is anchored in me: "exploration" literally is on my Soul blueprint!
Signs & synchronicities are part of my daily life, wherever I am in the world. My spiritual awakening first led me to numerology, then eventually to the akashic records. Diving into my past lives has been helping me tremendously with my current incarnation.
I have been practicing Soul Realignment® ever since I got certified at the beginning of 2020 and have suppplemented my sessions as I completed the advanced levels & added more with other healing modalities. There is such a transformative potential we can access from the akashic records!
If you are reading this, chances are, this is exactly what you need!
As an intuitive healer, it would be my pleasure to assist you in revealing your Soul's energetic gifts, uncovering, clearing and transmuting the negative karma holding you back. Get ready to empower yourself & align with your highest purpose!
Should you have any questions, I remain available through the contact form below. Thank you for visiting my website!
May you have a Beautiful & Radiant day!

Let's shed Light on your Divine Soul Blueprint
with an Akashic Record reading
Know yourself, Own your Power
Let's connect!
Should you have any questions, please message me & I'll get back to you within 48 to 72 hours.
Payments in €uro are also available, if needed.
Let me know and we will schedule your session together.
Thank you,