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Property Energy Clearing

  • 45 min
  • US$125 US dollars
  • Email report or Skype audio call

Service Description

As we are attracted to properties which are vibrationally aligned to us, we might become sensitive to our environment. I can perform an energetic realignment on your property, whether you own or rent your place. A Property Energy Clearing uncovers what influences exist within your home. I check for earthbound Spirits, poltergeists, portalways to low-vibrational astral planes, imprinted energy of trauma, negative thought forms etc. At the end of the session, I proceed to the clearing work in the akashic records of the property. ​ This reading may either be presented over a Skype audio call or sent in as an email report. If you choose the call, I will then email you the link of the recording. ​ This reading can be booked for a home or an office space that you own or rent, or for a house you are trying to sell. It is also available for a vacation rental such as an apartment or a hotel room.

Cancellation Policy

Please let me know at least 48 hours in advance if you would like to reschedule your session.

Contact Details

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