Lighted Keys: light up your gifts!
The Soul Profile is a prerequisite for this program. A 3-month coaching - 6 sessions
Service Description
This is a 1:1 ongoing Akashic alignment program. Prerequisite: we must have done your Soul Profile reading before, so we have a base to work with. This program is about comparing your original Divine Soul Blueprint to what you are thinking, feeling and doing within a definite time frame. Our 5th Dimensional Soul's aspect, in terms of energetic qualities, never changes. This is how the Soul vibrational matrix was originally created from Divine Source, it is very specific to each one of us & it is perfect as it is! This is our compass from one lifetime to another. The way we think, feel and sense those energetic qualities makes up our 4th Dimensional Soul's aspect. The way we act in our human experience makes up our 3rd Dimensional Soul's aspect. ✨ With "Lighted Keys", every 2 weeks over the course of 3 months, we are going to check and follow the evolution of where your mental/emotional and physical body energies are directed towards, and if it matches with your Soul's gifts! ➡️ Do your thoughts, feelings and emotions align with your actions in terms of creation? ➡️ Are you lighting up your most prominent Soul's keys? Or are you focusing (and maybe forcing) your energy on what is not your innate ability? The more we light up the specific gifts we are naturally very abundant in, the quicker we can manifest great results! ✨I'll present this reading on a Skype audio call. Then I will email you the link of the recording. No readings will be performed on minors without their parents' or legal guardian's authorization.
Cancellation Policy
Please let me know at least 48 hours in advance if you would like to reschedule your session.
Contact Details